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Renewable Energy NYC

Solar power: The future is now

Go solar, save big. Reclaim and control your energy costs.

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Save Money. Protect the Planet.

Go Solar.

The Future of Energy, The Future of New York

Why Go Solar?

At Solar Pro, we believe that switching to solar power is one of the smartest decisions you can make for your home, condo, or business in New York City. Going solar means embracing cutting-edge technology and sustainable living while enjoying significant financial benefits.

Solar energy helps reduce your electricity bills, increase property value, and decrease your carbon footprint. Let Solar Pro be your trusted solar panel installer in making this change, and experience the unmatched performance and savings that solar power brings.

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Innovative Technology, Inspired Living

Choose Your Solar Needs

As solar energy contractors, we believe that everyone, from homeowners to business owners and condo residents, deserves access to clean and renewable energy. Our expertly designed solar panel installations in NYC cater to a variety of needs, maximizing roof space and energy efficiency for homes, businesses, and multi-unit buildings. Easily make the switch and go green – wherever you are.

We make solar simple and stylish for NYC homeowners. Our home solar panel installations blend seamlessly while reducing cost significantly. We handle everything—from design to permits to maintenance—so you can enjoy the endless benefits of clean energy.

For NYC businesses, Solar Pro offers tailored installations to cut costs and boost green credentials. Whether it’s a storefront, office, or industrial facility, we will reduce operating expenses and showcase your commitment to sustainability.

By making the switch to solar, condo residents can save on their energy bills while contributing to a cleaner, greener environment. We take care of every detail, from navigating city regulations to working with condo boards, for a smooth transition to sustainable energy for the entire community.

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solar installation NYC

Smarter Solutions, Smarter Savings

Solar Panel Cost & Permits

While the initial cost of solar installation can seem significant, the price is heavily influenced by the amazing rebates and incentives available to you in New York. With solar panel rebate programs like the residential Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit and the NY-Sun Initiative, chances are you’ll end up paying a lot less.
Now, about those permits—yes, you will need a few, but that’s where we come in. Installing solar panels in New York requires an electrical permit and a construction work permit. Don’t worry, though—we handle all the permitting for you, ensuring compliance with local regulations and a smooth, hassle-free installation. We believe going solar shouldn’t be a burden, but the opposite. At Solar Pro, we offer transparent and competitive pricing from solar installation to permits. 

Solar Panel Installation NYC

Whether you’re in a bustling city or a quiet suburb, our solar energy contractor team is ready to bring clean, affordable solar energy to your home, business or condo.

  • Buffalo
  • Rochester
  • Syracuse
  • Albany
  • Yonkers
  • New Rochelle
  • Mount Vernon
  • White Plains
  • Poughkeepsie
solar pro man installing solar panels on a roof

Contact us today to discover how we can serve your specific area!

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The cost of solar panels in NYC can vary depending on the size of the system, the type of panels used, and the complexity of the installation. On average, residential solar panel systems can range from $10,000 to $30,000 before any incentives or rebates. Solar Pro offers customized quotes to ensure you get the best system for your budget and energy needs.

The installation process with Solar Pro is straightforward and hassle-free. We start with a consultation to assess your energy needs and evaluate your property. After designing a custom solar solution, we handle all permits and paperwork. Our experienced technicians then install the panels, typically within one to three days, followed by a final inspection and connection to the grid. You’ll be up and running in no time!

Yes, your solar panels will still work during cloudy days and in winter. While their efficiency might be reduced due to lower sunlight, they are designed to generate electricity in various weather conditions. During cloudy days, panels can produce about 10-25% of their usual output. In winter, solar panels can even perform better due to the reflective properties of snow and cooler temperatures enhancing efficiency.

The savings from switching to solar energy depend on several factors, including your current electricity costs, the size of your solar system, and your energy consumption. On average, NYC homeowners can save anywhere from $500 to $2,000 annually on their electricity bills. Over the lifespan of the solar system, this can translate into tens of thousands of dollars in savings.

New York offers several incentives to make solar panel installation more affordable. These include the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows you to deduct 26% of the cost of your solar system from your federal taxes. Additionally, New York State offers a solar equipment tax credit, property tax exemptions, and rebates through the NY-Sun Initiative. These incentives can significantly reduce the upfront cost of installing solar panels.

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Perfomance, Quality and Reliability

Transform Your Home with Solar Pro Solutions

Make the smart choice for your wallet and the environment by switching to solar energy. Contact us now to learn about solar solutions.

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